Nov. 25, 2019
A complex combination of factors affects each person’s health journey. Some of our members are navigating critical health concerns. They may be struggling to combat chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, substance abuse disorder or depression. Our Wellbeing Management and Health Advocacy Solutions programs help empower our members to improve their own health and wellness.
Wellbeing Management and Health Advocacy Solutions
Employers can offer Wellbeing Management and Health Advocacy Solutions to their employees, our members. Members have access to components of these programs depending on their benefit plans. We have relationships with several companies to increase member participation in programs that target critical health issues. We’ve seen positive results so far.
Options for Member Engagement
Some of your patients with Wellbeing Management or Health Advocacy Solutions may mention Well onTarget, Livongo®, Omada® and Naturally Slim®. These programs combine data sciences with cognitive behavioral therapy coaching techniques. They often use internet-connected biometric devices to help our members achieve health improvement goals.
Well onTarget
Our Well onTarget Wellness Portal gives eligible members an online platform to find support for chronic conditions. They can also use the portal to help establish lifelong wellness goals.
Livongo is an end-to-end diabetes management solution. It combines the use of a connected glucose meter with personal support by Certified Diabetes Educators.
Omada is an obesity-related prevention program. It uses remote monitoring tools, education and social community support to improve health and reduce chronic disease risk.
Naturally Slim
Naturally Slim is an online weight loss and metabolic syndrome management solution and coaching program. It teaches healthy eating behaviors via a behavior modification structure.
New for 2020 — Hinge Health
Hinge Health provides a musculoskeletal program that takes proven nonsurgical care guidelines and turns them into a coach-led program. It is delivered remotely using mobile and wearable technology.
We encourage you to talk with your patients about available programs and resources, when appropriate. Members with questions can call the number on their Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBSOK) ID card or log into their Blue Access for Members (BAM) account for more information.
This material is meant for informational purposes only. It includes only a brief description of some plan benefits. Not all benefits are offered by all plans. For details, including benefits, limitations and exclusions, refer patients to their certificate of coverage.
Livongo is an independent company that has contracted directly with BCBSOK to provide a diabetes management program that is covered under some of the health benefit plans. Naturally Slim is an independent company that has contracted directly with BCBSOK to provide a weight loss and metabolic syndrome reduction program that is covered under some of the health benefit plans. Omada is an independent company that has contracted directly with BCBSOK to provide an obesity-related chronic conditions (type 2 diabetes and heart disease) risk reduction program that is covered under some of the health benefit plans. Hinge Health offers digital care programs for people with chronic musculoskeletal conditions, such as back or joint pain, using technology to create a delightful participant experience by combining sensor-guided exercise therapy with health coaching and education. This material is meant for informational purposes only. BCBSOK makes no endorsement, representations or warranties regarding any products or services offered by independent companies such as Livongo, Naturally Slim, Omada, and Hinge Health. These companies are solely responsible for the products or services they provide. If you have any questions regarding the services described here, you should contact Livongo, Naturally Slim, Omada, or Hinge Health directly.