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How to Help Your Child Avoid the Summertime Blues

The school year is nearing the end, and soon your child will spend more time at home. While the summer can bring outdoor fun with the warmer weather, the change to your child’s daily routine may be something to monitor.

For many kids, a school environment represents their most significant exposure to key elements for development such as daily routine, extensive social interaction, as well as mental and physical activity. Leaving that environment for a couple of months can significantly shift your child’s day-to-day and could impact their mental health.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and, like adults, mental health is an important topic for children to be aware of and discuss. Let them know it’s as important to take care of mental health as it is physical health by encouraging your child to share feelings and understand it’s OK to reach out if they’re sad or worried. 

Helping a child talk about and understand certain thoughts or feelings can be one way to cope. Learning how to process emotions is a key skill for children and their development.

Several habits can help a child avoid the summertime blues, including:

  • Check in with your child — Take the time to talk to your child about their well-being during the summer, particularly if you notice significant mood or behavior changes.
  • Continue consistent sleep times — Even though they may not wake up for school the next day, regular bedtimes help a child’s sleep pattern.
  • Stick to a nutritional diet — It’s easy for kids to get out of their routine, including what they eat. However, studies show eating more fruits and vegetables improve a child’s mental health and well-being.
  • Prioritize physical activity — Swapping out screen time for exercise/outdoor time has shown to decrease children's anxiety and improve their mood.

The summer can be a time to create lifelong memories. Remember to take time to make positive memories with your child.

Check out this link for mental health resources for children.

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