Maintaining good colon health is always important and that’s true for younger adults as well.
The American Cancer Society recently reported for the first time colon and rectal cancers are the deadliest forms of cancer for men younger than age 50 and the second deadliest cancers for women in the same age range, despite cancer cases decreasing overall for those younger than 50.
March is colorectal cancer awareness month and — like many cancers — early detection of colorectal cancer is important. There are several ways you can decrease your risk for colon and rectal cancers.
Todd Hoffman, M.D.
Colorectal cancer is nothing to ignore. It’s important to educate yourself and be proactive about your care. Your body and colon will thank you.
Let’s make it a good month!
Todd Hoffman, M.D., C.P.E., is chief medical officer of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, a division of Health Care Service Corp., a Mutual Legal Reserve Company.