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Video: Reducing Disaprities in North Tulsa at 'Just for the Health of It' Community Health Fair

At the "Just for the Health of It" community health fair in north Tulsa, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma helped bring awareness and free health services to residents of north Tulsa. 

The event at the Hutcherson YMCA featured no-cost retinal exams, immunizations, educational classes, CPR training, and organizations offering local resources.

"It's important for the residents of this community, because now they can see the resources that are available," says Ebony Skillens, a licensed professional counselor with Amayesing Skillz Counseling and Counseling Skillz on Wheelz. “And with awareness comes power, comes change,” Skillens adds. “Not only with individuals, but now families start to change, and the community starts to do better.”

A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association