By Todd Hoffman, M.D.
Note: This article appeared as a guest column in the Journal Record
By Todd Hoffman, M.D.
Note: This article appeared as a guest column in the Journal Record
Healthy eating is a subject many of us have been told about since our childhood. Unfortunately, no matter how much we learn about the topic, putting good nutrition into practice can still be challenging.
According to a CDC report, 90% of children and adults do not eat enough fruits or vegetables in their diets, and 90% of Americans consume too much sodium. In addition, at least half of all Americans consume at least one sugary drink on any given day.
Combining a healthy diet with adequate physical activity and sleep can help develop into healthy adults as we age.
March is National Nutrition Month, and many of us know some of the basics when it comes to a good diet — cut down on fried foods, consume less sugar and salt and add in more vegetables and fruits.
However, along with developing a “how-to” game plan for good nutrition, another element in developing positive eating habits comes from understanding the “why” behind making healthy food choices.
Todd Hoffman, M.D.
One benefit is good nutrition can help us with weight management. A nutritious diet enables us to maintain a healthy weight for our body and avoid the yo-yo affect from jumping on and off fad diets.
Good nutrition also improves our chances of avoiding several chronic diseases, such as type-2 diabetes and heart disease.
A healthy diet can also boost your immune system and decrease the chance of developing illnesses and immunodeficiency problems.
Adding certain foods into your diet can help delay the onset of ageing and support your mental well-being.
In recognition of National Nutrition Month, see what you can do to improve your diet. Your nutrition is too valuable to ignore.
Make it a good month!
Todd Hoffman, M.D., C.P.E., is chief medical officer of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, a division of Health Care Service Corp., a Mutual Legal Reserve Company.