PEAQSM Provider Performance Insights (PPIs)

The Physician Efficiency, Appropriateness, and QualitySM (PEAQ) program measures a physician’s performance around efficiency, appropriateness, and quality to achieve more optimal patient outcomes and effective care delivery. Physicians that meet inclusion requirements, such as working specialty and patient minimums, are provided with reports that show how their performance compares to peers’ performance within the same working specialty with regional adjustments. All Oklahoma providers practicing within the PEAQ working specialties and report timeframe are included in PEAQ.

Insights culled from PEAQ data influence Provider Finder® results. Members who utilize this to get care from high performers will be eligible for Member Rewards. PEAQ data can also impact network optimization and employer insights. In the future, uses will expand as Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBSOK) refines collection through feedback.

Provider Performance Insights (PPIs) show how a physician is evaluated and where they rank in comparison to peers. PPIs also include observations to improve future performance.

PPI PDF reports are coming soon to Availity Essentials for qualified providers in the following specialties:



Primary Care








Cardiothoracic Surgery


Orthopedic Surgery


Vascular Surgery

Family Medicine

Internal Medicine


PPIs can be seen with an Availity account. To get an account, go to and click “Register” in the top right corner.

BCBSOK initially developed PEAQ with input from practicing physicians and continues to collaborate with physicians to improve the program. The methodology that corresponds to the PPIs can be found here.

For more information, visit the BCBSOK PEAQ page.

Availity is a trademark of Availity, LLC, a separate company that operates a health information network to provide electronic information exchange services to medical professionals. Availity provides administrative services to BCBSOK. BCBSOK makes no endorsement, representations or warranties regarding any products or services provided by third party vendors.