Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBSOK) now has two national network products to choose from.
- For employees living outside major metro areas, the PPO will continue to provide the broad quality access your clients expect from BCBSOK.
- For employees living inside major metro areas, BlueHPN is designed to drive additional savings to help the bottom line of your clients while providing access to quality providers.
Visit our BlueHPN website to learn more or contact your BCBSOK account representative.
1 Savings are based on Consortium Health Plans analysis, 2019. Savings are on average and assume 100% enrollment. Results will vary based on employer locations and implementation.
2 Measures align with those being utilized by credible industry organizations, including American Hospital Association, Catalyst for Payment Reform and America’s Health Insurance Plans.
3 Out-of-network coverage is available for emergency situations.